21. August 2020

We’re here for you – even without any branches

neon offers you a totally normal personal account. In comparison to traditional banks, however, we’re digital only – so no counters or branches.

Banking services with no branches? So who can I contact?

A lot of people go to a customer advisor when they have questions about pensions or mortgages. We don’t offer these services. At neon, we concentrate on doing one thing, and doing it really well – and that’s personal accounts.

This has a lot of advantages for you too: no counters or branches means lower costs, so we can offer you an account at prices that might have you asking where the catch is. (There is no catch: 25 people and no credit rating simply means we have to make less money.)

But don’t worry – behind our digital-only services, there’s a team of young, motivated, real people. We’re not robots, and we’re really here!

We’re here for you – (almost) around the clock

Questions can crop up at any time. And we can’t always completely avoid problems. If you do run into an issue, you should be able to contact someone in person. That’s why we don’t just have a chatbot, but also a phone number and email address (you can find both in the app under Profile > Contact neon). We’re available by phone from 8 am to 5 pm. We usually answer emails within two days – except when it’s more urgent, of course. Then we’ll respond more quickly. And in emergencies, such as if your neon Mastercard® has been stolen? Freeze it yourself in the app. Or give us a call – even if it’s in the middle of the night – and we’ll block it for you. (You can find more on the topic of security, from data protection to deposit protection, here.)

Your emails will be answered by Lucie, Marc, Patric, and Vincenzo, amongst others – you can find their photos here if you want to put faces to the names.

And you appreciate this service

Experience has shown that you all manage very well without any branches and are very happy with our service. Here’s some evidence: 

Great customer service
Personal, prompt, friendly customer service.
Just had the comparison of UBS, PostFinance and neon; all my cards were stolen and misused. neon was fastest to help in the telephone helpline and mail replies. 
The tone is personal, I had the feeling of communicating with committed people. Also positive - especially in connection with lost cards: I could immediately see on my cell phone that no withdrawals had been made. However, if the phone had also been stolen, that would not have been possible.

Thank you! (By the way, you can read about what happens if you lose your phone here.)

Sometimes we get your feedback by email:

Hello dear neon team
-Super clear and simple registration
-Nice and funny e-mail message regarding delay
-Comprehensible instructions for card activation
-Simple card top-up
All in all: Perfect service!


Sometimes in the app store:

Ingenious account app!
Works great, very dedicated and friendly customer service and now also free payments abroad and eBills! Makes me happy


Of course, it’s not all five-star reviews. We’ve made a few mistakes, particularly when we started. We promised more than we could deliver, and not all the processes worked as seamlessly as planned. That frustrated a few people. We took this feedback to heart too and put in a lot of time and energy to get things working properly.

Yes, we’re very happy with the increasing number of customers and successful rounds of investment. But your personal feedback means even more to us. We share your messages with the whole team and pin them up on our compliments wall. After a long day, they remind us why we’ll come into the office in good spirits again the next morning. ❤️

Give us feedback