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Ayayay. It's a bit difficult to tell from over here, but get in touch and we will find the reason. Open the app, click on «Profile», then «Contact us». You can either call us or send us a message and we'll call you back. Please do not send us sensitive information (account balance, transactions, etc.) via email.

If the payment is still in future payments, you can easily delete it. To do so, you have to go to the «Home» tab and click on «Future payments». Then, simply swipe the corresponding payment to the left to delete it. Otherwise, contact us: Open the app, click on «Profile» and on «Contact neon». Choose your preferred method of communication. Please do not send us sensitive information (account balance, transactions, etc.) via email.

Pay once in the traditional way (insert card) and enter your PIN and then try it again contactless. No success? Then change the PIN at the ATM and try again. If it still does not work, please contact us and we will send you a replacement card free of charge.

Contact us. Open the app, click on «Profile», then «Contact us». Choose your preferred method of communication. Please do not send us sensitive information (account balance, transactions, etc.) via email.

Sucks. But don't fret. Block your card yourself in the app by clicking on «Profile», then «Your card» and «Freeze card». Or by calling this card emergency number +41 (0) 43 508 03 19.

You went swimming with it and the rice trick didn't work? Get yourself a new phone, download the app, activate your phone and account by ordering a new device activation code in «Profile», «Security» and «Generate activation code», and carry on banking. Thanks to the separate login code and transaction PIN it's pretty much impossible that someone can access your info or money. But, if you prefer, we can of course lock your account temporarily until you have the new phone. To do so, send us a quick message. Please do not send us sensitive information (account balance, transactions, etc.) via email.

You've tried deleting and reinstalling the app and it still doesn't work? Tell us.

Open the app. On the login screen, underneath the numeric keypad, directly under the zero, click on «Troubles with your login?» and follow the instructions.

If you enter an incorrect login code too many times, we'll temporarily lock your account to protect you. To get access again, just click on «Locked out» at the bottom of the screen and choose «Unlock account».

Go to «Profile», «Security» and select «Reset transaction PIN». To reset your transaction PIN, your device must be deactivated. You can confirm this via the button, check your address and then a new activation code will be sent to you by post. This usually takes 3-4 days. If it is urgent, please call us and we will give you a new activation code.

You can see your card PIN under «Profile», then «Your card». If you don't see it there or want to change your card PIN, you can also order a new one from that same page in the app and it'll be sent to you by post.

1. I still know my PIN: No problem, we’ve got you! Go to your home screen, click on «Card» and then «Security». There you can reset your card PIN attempts. 

2. I don't remember it anymore: No problem - you can check your card PIN in the app under «Profile», then «Your card».

For security reasons, activation codes are only valid once and for a maximum of 30 days. Need a new one? Go to «Profile», «Security» and «Generate activation code» to order one directly in the app.

Yeah, sometimes fingerprint / face id throws a temper tantrum. Best try the oldest trick in the book: switch it off and on again in «Profile» > «Security» and see if it works. If not, let us know.

PS: neon does not save your biometric data.
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