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If you are not using neon invest: Your 2024 tax statement for your neon accounts (main account & joint account, if you have one) will be available around the 2nd week of January 2025 under «Profile» and «Account statements». We will inform you once the statement is available.

If you are using neon invest: Your tax statement for 2024 for your neon accounts (main account & joint account, if you have one) will be available around the 2nd week of January 2025 under «Profile» and «Account statements». Important: The tax statement for your neon invest portfolio will be available by the end of February 2025 in the eTax format – at no additional cost. It's worth waiting for the eTax statement: When filing your taxes, you can conveniently upload this eTax statement in your online tax declaration and all your Main Account information as well as your investments made in 2024 will be filled in automatically (excluding joint account information).

Please Note: The relevant document for your tax declaration is the tax statement. The amount on the tax statement may differ from the amount on your neon account statement. This is because the tax statement shows all transactions that were finally processed and booked until 31.12.24 while the account statement shows all transactions that were made in 2024 (but are potentially only processed and booked in the first days of 2025).

All neon crowdinvestors, being neon users or not, will receive the tax statement for their participation certificate(s) on 21 January 2025 via email (either the email address used with neon, or for non neon users, the email address used with daura).

First of all: We are talking about the net asset value – this is set by the Swiss tax authorities and has to be reported in your tax statement. We’re not talking about the share value of neon. The share value of neon is stable and reflects the company’s valuation, which did not change.

Secondly: The fact that the net asset value of the participation certificates of a start-up decreases in the first few years is common. The change in the net asset value reflects the investment phases start-ups go through to develop and reach profitability:

Usually, start-ups go through different phases like raising capital (increasing their equity), using it for investments into the company’s development (having therefore a loss of equity in some years), then reaching the break-even point when they become profitable (offsetting the previous equity loss and growing capital again).

The development of neon followed these phases. In 2021 and 2022, neon raised capital via two crowdinvesting campaigns and increased the company equity. In 2023 and 2024, this company equity was used for neon’s development, resulting in an expected loss in equity.

Since the tax authorities base the net asset value of participation certificates on the previous year’s financial statements, the loss of equity is and will be reflected in the net asset value of neon’s participation certificates for 2024 and 2025.

Then, after neon has reached profitability, the net asset value of the participation certificates should increase again. Currently, neon is on a good path towards profitability. To see more details of our current development, you can read our email sent to all crowd investors on 19 December 2024.

neon's participation certificates are not listed on a stock exchange, therefore they did not have an observable market value as of 31.12.2024. Instead of a market value, for startups like neon, the Swiss tax authorities resort to a formula to determine the value of the participation certificates, called the net asset value.

This net asset value is based on the audited annual financial statements, not on the price that was initially paid for the participation certificate. It is also not indicative of the value of neon as a company nor of what its share value would be on a stock exchange. Tesla, for example, has a net asset value of around 22.11 USD per share, while its stock market value was around 400 USD per share in January 2025.

One reason for tax authorities to assess a lower net asset value is to fairly tax investors, as they haven't yet been able to benefit from their investment. And it keeps the incentive for investors high enough to further invest in companies. Another reason is that the price set per participation certificate during our crowdinvesting campaigns was based on the value at which professional investors invested in neon, also taking into account future growth and value creation.

For the 2024 tax return, the tax authorities recommended us to use the same net asset value as their 2024 assessment (which was based on our 2023 annual financial statements). As they did not yet reassess our 2024 annual financial statements, this value is subject to change based on the authorities' definitive assessment – but no action will be required by crowd investors in this case, since the tax authorities would use the updated value automatically for your tax calculation.

There is a separate tax statement for the joint account in the app and it will be available around the 2nd week of January 2025 under «Profile» and «Account statements». If you have any questions about taxation, please contact the tax authorities.

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