How to find the ETF that suits your needs
You want to know how to find the ETF that's suitable for your needs and wants? Then watch our fifth explanatory video in which Nima, ETF expert at Invesco, and Julia discuss the most important aspects of finding the right ETF and tell you what you should pay attention to when looking for ETFs to invest in.
Did you miss the first four explanatory videos? In the first video, Michèle shows you how your money performs in cash, in an account, or invested. In the second video, Timo explains why it can be worth investing in shares and ETFs. In the third video, Julia gives useful tips on how to start investing. And in the fourth video, Timo explains what ETF investment plans are, why they're so popular, and why they could also be of interest to you.
Finding the ETF that suits your needs
In this video, Julia talks to Nima from Invesco about choosing the right ETF: Nima emphasises the importance of knowing one's risk profile and discusses different types of ETFs. To find the right ETF for yourself, Nima advises using comparison platforms and factsheets to get information about the total expense ratio (TER) and the risk involved, among other things.
Nima also makes a recommendation for a person who is not well informed about the markets but would like to invest for the long term, broadly diversified, and cost-effectively. What do you think, what kind of ETF does Nima recommend for such a person? Watch the video and find out!
neon, Invesco & you
If you're curious about how you can use ETF investment plans to build up wealth in the long run, you can find more information about the neon savings plan by clicking here. Depending on which ETFs you add to your investment plan, we waive our trading fees for the purchase of certain ETFs with selected partners such as Invesco. Click here for more information about the 0% trading fee investment plan ETFs from Invesco.
In addition to the 0% ETFs in the savings plan, you can also benefit from our 0% Specials – selected ETFs that you can buy and sell without trading fees for a limited time. We currently offer the three ETFs Financials Global (ESG), Healthcare Global (ESG), and Technology Global (ESG) from our partner Invesco as 0% Specials. You can find the 0% Specials as a separate category in the «Invest» tab. Click here for more information.
To set up your own savings plan, open your neon app, go to the «Invest» tab and scroll down until you see the invesment plan.